A Summer Tradition

Confirm These Details When You Buy A Hamburger Moulder

by Miro Hanka

For any type of establishment that serves hamburgers, there are a number of pieces of kitchen equipment that are important to buy. One such device is a hamburger moulder — a piece of gear that allows you to produce hamburger patties quickly and in a uniform manner. There are a handful of different types of this device on the market, so it's a good idea to carefully assess a few styles before you decide which one you'll buy for your professional kitchen. Here are some details that are important to go over as you look for the right hamburger moulder for you.

Patty Thickness

If you were to ask a handful of people about their preferred hamburger patty thickness, you'd likely receive a wide range of answers. Some people prefer their patties to be thick and juicy, while others find thin patties that have a slightly crispy crust to be more appealing, Given the discrepancy in peoples' tastes, you'll want to buy a moulder that allows you to create patties at a number of different thicknesses. Such a device will allow you to produce a number of thin patties, and then make a quick adjustment with the machine so that you can produce thicker patties.

Production Rate

It's also important to check the production rate of different hamburger moulders. This term describes how many patties the machine can produce in a set amount of time — typically, in one hour. Don't worry if your establishment isn't big enough that your kitchen staff needs to produce patties for an entire hour. When you know the machine's per-hour rate, you can easily make a quick calculation to get a sense of how many patties the machine can produce in 10 or 15 minutes, for example. A machine with a higher production rate will save time in the kitchen, which is something that is advantageous for virtually every eatery.


Don't forget to assess the physical footprint of any hamburger moulder that you're thinking about buying. This is a device that will sit on the counter of your kitchen, and restaurant kitchens often have a limited amount of counter space. A device that has a small footprint can often be favorable compared to one that takes up more room. Look for a restaurant equipment supplier that sells a variety of hamburger moulders, and then assess a few different models to take note of these details.

For more information, contact a company like Mainca USA Inc.
