A Summer Tradition

5 Tips For Saving Money At A Coffee Shop

by Miro Hanka

Visiting a coffee shop can be a great way to hang out with friends or just get your morning caffeine fix before you head to work or school. Visiting a coffee shop all the time can get expensive, but you don't have to increase your spending budget or stop going to your favorite coffee shop just because of this. Instead, try one or all five of these easy yet effective tips for saving money at a coffee shop.

1. Bring Your Own Refillable Mug

Some coffee shops offer a discount for those who bring their own refillable mug or who purchase a refillable mug from their store and bring it back on each of their visits. If this is offered at your coffee shop, then it's a easy way to save money. Plus, you'll be able to drink out of a sturdier mug, and you will be helping the environment by skipping the disposable mugs, too.

2. Order a Smaller Size

Instead of ordering the biggest size, consider ordering a smaller coffee. This is a good way to save some money. Plus, it's a good way to cut down on sugar, fat and calories, too, particularly if you like to order drinks that aren't particularly healthy.

3. Skip the Fancy Stuff

Of course, from time to time, you are probably going to want to order a fancy latte or another special drink. On a daily basis, though, you might want to stick to the simpler orders so that you can keep your costs down. For example, a cup of regular coffee is typically cheaper than a cappuccino or a latte. Sticking to the simple stuff -- except on special occasions -- is a good way to drastically reduce your coffee shop costs. Plus, you can always spice up your regular coffee with flavored syrup or coffee creamer.

4. Join the Loyalty Program

If your favorite coffee shop has a loyalty program that you have not joined yet, make sure that you sign up. This is often a good way to score discounts, free cups of coffee or snacks and more.

5. Order the Special

Some coffee shops offer daily specials or other deals on coffee, other drinks and snacks. If your favorite coffee shop does this, try getting in the habit of ordering the special. This is a good way to try new things that you might not have otherwise tried, and it's a good way to keep your costs down, too.
